Dear Visitor,
Hello! My name is Joanna Vo, and I am excited to serve as Omicron Chapter's President for the 2024 year. I am eternally grateful for everything aKDPhi has given to me, and am honored to be able to give back to the community that nurtured me. As you browse our website, I hope you consider reaching out to us through our connect tab. So many memories are waiting to be made, so let us know if you are interested and feel free to contact any sister to learn more!
Love and Friendship,
Joanna Vo

The purpose of alpha Kappa Delta Phi is to promote sisterhood, scholarship, leadership, and Asian Awareness in the University, and community, while encouraging the expression of the individual. The sorority is composed of highly motivated women with diverse backgrounds, interests, and fields of study. Each woman, however, shares a strong bond of love, friendship, and sisterhood. With a supportive network of sisters, each woman can strive to fulfill her personal, academic, and career goals.
Love and Friendship
"Timeless Friendship Through Sisterhood"
Purple and White
The sisterhood of alpha Kappa Delta Phi creates a sense of belonging for womxn that nurtures life-long friendships, develops self-empowered leaders, and strengthens communities through service, scholarship, and Asian-Awareness.
alpha Kappa Delta Phi envisions a worldwide network of respected, confident women who elevate each other and their communities through compassionate, purpose-driven leadership that ensures diversity, encourages innovation, and promotes collaboration.
Breast Cancer Awareness
National History
alpha Kappa Delta Phi was established at the University of California at Berkeley in the fall of 1989 and recognized by the College Panhellenic Association on February 7, 1990. The fourteen founding sisters: Betty Chu, Karin Co, Susan Kim, Nancy Lee, Sherri Leung, Annie Loo, Belinda Ma, Anita Ng, Serene Ngin, Fannie Pon, Josie Sun, Daisy Wu, Jill Yoshimura, and Reina Yuan, dedicated themselves to establishing a strong and lasting organization, which would provide Asian American women the opportunity to participate in the Greek system. Soon after being recognized by the College Panhellenic Association, the founding sisters brought together a diverse group of women who shared with them the goals of sisterhood, scholarship, and leadership. These ideals were to later set the foundation of alpha Kappa Delta Phi’s purpose.
The love and generosity that each member had for the organization were instrumental to the growth of alpha Kappa Delta Phi’s reputation as a sorority, as well as to the forging of unbreakable friendships. The sisterhood has since then spread to prominent university campuses across the country. To meet the needs of the growing sisterhood, the National Board of alpha Kappa Delta Phi was established in May of 1993 at the National Convention in Santa Barbara, California.
It is the sincere wish of the founding sisters that alpha Kappa Delta Phi continue to promote Asian Awareness in the community and leadership for women by providing each woman with the resources, unique sisterly support, and understanding to achieve her goals in life.
Chapter History
During the summer of 1995, the inspiration of alpha Kappa Delta Phi found its way into the hearts of several women at the California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo. Phoebe Malabuyo, Christine Songco, and Nikki Yee met on several occasions to discuss the possibility of establishing a new Asian-interest sorority. As the number of Asian students increased, these women realized the need to give Asian American women an opportunity to voice their own ideas.
As school began in the Fall of 1995, the group expanded to include founding sister, Sharon Wong. Together, this group of women spent many enduring months towards establishing a colony. The National Board of alpha Kappa Delta Phi granted them Charter status on Thursday, November 16, 1995. On December 5, 1995, the charter class expanded once again with two new sisters, Anh Ly and Theresa Tang. These six women bonded together to promote a lifetime of sisterhood and friendship at Cal Poly.
At the XII Annual National Convention in the Spring of 2004, we were recognized as Omicron Chapter by the National Board of alpha Kappa Delta Phi.
Our chapter here at Cal Poly was established in the Spring of 1996 by six strong women dedicated to promoting the values of sisterhood, scholarship, leadership, service, and Asian-American awareness. Now, over twenty years later, our house is stronger than ever and expanding rapidly. While we will always hold dear in our hearts the lasting tradition and strong foundation our sisters before us have established, we are only beginning another phase as the addition of more sisters bring with it many new ideas and insights.

By joining alpha Kappa Delta Phi, sisters can form lifelong relationships. We strive to be there for each other, share experiences, and develop memories that allow us to grow together. Moreover, we host quarterly one-on-one and house dates, as well as, road trips to other chapters to connect with sisters from all over the nation. Sisterhood gives us a strong support system whether it be our personal, professional, or academic pursuits. Here at aKDPhi, sisterhood means being involved, pushing each other to our highest standards, supporting each other through thick and thin, and maintaining strong, solid relationships that go beyond college.

alpha Delta Kappa Phi encourages all its members to explore their capabilities as leaders in their community. Our members are encouraged to build their leadership experience by taking on important officer positions in our sorority. We encourage our members to challenge themselves to gain skills in organization and communication, as well as, build their confidence so that they can carry their skills to any future role after college.

As students at an academically rigorous university, school is our first priority. We want everyone to succeed and strive for excellence in their academic pursuits. We have one of the highest GPAs in the Greek Community at Cal Poly. We attribute our academic success to our strong supportive network, continuous study hours, and our extensive resource bank. Additionally, the National Board provides the opportunity to receive scholarships and grants to our sisters. We encourage every member of our sorority to strive for academic excellence and success.

Our national philanthropy focuses its efforts on Breast Cancer Awareness. As a sorority, we are committed to spreading awareness towards all our campus communities through service projects, workshops, informational booths, and forums. As part of this effort, we encourage aKDPhi sisters to continue to learn about breast health, preventative measures, and opportunities for further engagement around Breast Cancer Awareness. Moreover, we strive to further Asian American awareness and aid the Asian American community through service projects, volunteer work, and charity fundraisers.

As an Asian-interest Sorority, aKDPhi at Cal Poly is committed to promoting Asian Awareness within the San Luis Obispo community. Although we are an Asian-interest group, we are not Asian exclusive and welcome anyone from all different cultures and backgrounds. We believe that it is important to acknowledge and celebrate diversity on campus, as well as, learn about other cultures with an open mind. Some events we participate in include:
PolyCultural Weekend
Culture Fest
Open House
Lantern Fest